Licensing Register -
Licences Granted for Licence Number:  876950

Further Information on Licence Number: 876950

Property details

Licence number: 876950
Trading name and address: Southwark District Register Office
34 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8QA
Ward: St Giles
Telephone: 0207 525 7674/7672

Responsible Persons

Licence Holder: Paul Dumke
Responsible Person: Paul Dumke - Registration Manager
Deputy: Jas Khaira - Office Manager

Licence details

Licence type: Civil Ceremonies Licence
Date granted: March 24 2022 
Expiry date: September 18 2025 

Licensable activities and conditions

Licensed Areas: The Garden Room -50  

Contact us

  Southwark Licensing Team
3rd Floor, Hub 1
PO BOX 64529
Telephone: 020 7525 5748